Choose Your Own Adventure
In an age of constant scrutiny, questionable journalist ethics, and financial and social rewards for shaming others, anyone who has accomplished anything is fair game.
And even if you are not in the public eye, you face the emotional fallout of the events that may have overtaken you.
Whether you earned any percentage of your crisis or not, you need to understand what happened, recapture your narrative, and make a plan for moving forward.
A Day of Dreams and Actions
In this intensive session, booked by the day rather than over months, we will devote time to understanding the nuances of what happened in your life. As the patterns of your own actions and inactions become clear, we define your core values and new mission. We will build the routines and practices that support that mission, and implement them into your new schedule to create the better life to which you are entitled. We’ll use historical examples of great leaders and thinkers who have faced similar challenges to put your own story in context. And we’ll connect you to future resources with coaching, or beyond it, to solidify and crystallize your new self-determined path.
Your legend doesn’t end here. Your legend begins here.
“Each one of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.”
90 Days of Personal Revival
If you would like to work over the course of 90 days, in weekly sessions, we will delve deeper into your human needs and your means of achieving them. As a complex understanding of who you are emerges, we will rewrite the story you want to tell with your own life. We will create the daily, weekly, and quarterly routines that support your long-term goals and heal the past. We will implement your process and resolve any challenges that block your way. We will learn about our ancestors - from Caesar to Joan of Arc to Einstein - who faced extraordinary challenges, punishment for boldness, and yet triumphed to create the legendary stories that have far outlived their adversaries.
“Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.”
Intensive Crisis Management
If you are actively managing an ongoing crisis, as an individual or member of a family or organization, a dedicated and ongoing coaching experience may better suit your circumstances.
My coaching is available for individuals and groups in crisis, on site and for the extended period of time that may be necessary.
When appropriate, I have worked with organizations and institutions.
Inquire for Rates
“She had fouled off of the curves that life had thrown at her.”